Visitors from China

Left to right; Jackie Williams, Yan Jianchun, Joey Trice, Xie Huanxiong, Ignacio Pittaro
The end of this week put the wraps on the Sunbelt Ag Expo which is also known as “North America’s Premier Farm Show”. LMC Ag had a booth showcasing our own agricultural products and it was there Lewis M. Carter, Jr. had the opportunity to meet with some representatives from the Nanjing Research Institute for Agricultural Mechanization at the Ministry of Agriculture in China. They were interested to learn more about our cleaning and shelling equipment.
Lewis directed them to our facility in Donalsonville where Xie Huanxiong, a Researcher, and Yan Jianchun, Research Assistant, got to meet with Jackie Williams, Joey Trice, and Ignacio Pittaro, our sales rep for Argentina and Brazil. Xie and Yan were welcomed to see our manufacturing operations and treated to a brief tour of the nearby APG processing plant so they could experience, firsthand, the real-world application of our world class machinery. In short, it was a great meeting of mutual international interests.